
Child receiving dental treatment

Our fully licensed dentists and dental hygienists provide quality care to your child during your child’s school day.  After the visit, we will send you a report of the services provided and a list of services that are still needed.  When necessary, we will provide a referral to a dental specialist for advanced care.

Services in Schools

Presently we service schools in Horry County, Georgetown County, Williamsburg County, and Barnwell County in South Carolina.

Prevention / Education

The most important part of preventive dentistry is regular teeth brushing with fluoride toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association (ADA).  We provide appropriate education in teeth brushing.

Preventive Services

We provide a wide range of dental services.  The most common treatments include screenings, cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants.  Sealants are a thin coating applied to the biting surfaces of the permanent molars to help prevent cavities.  It is an established fact that these teeth are the most likely to decay and sealants reduce the chance of decay.

Other Services

When needed we can provide fillings, extractions, crowns, and space maintainers.  These services often require consultation with the parent and will also depend on the availability of the dentist.

Major Services

Some problems may be more than we can handle in a school setting.  In those cases, we will give you a referral to a dental specialist.

Register Your Child

If you want your child to receive services from us, you must first register your child.  Please fill out the form provided by your child’s school, or you can fill out a form online by using our Registration page.  You must fill out a separate form for each child.  You must also fill out a new form for each school year.